Tidying Up

Published Jan 9, 2015 (9 years ago)
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The last modifications of this post were around 9 years ago, some information may be outdated!

You’ve probably noticed that I’ve been blogging a lot more lately. I’ve gone 5 days straight now with 6 blog posts, thanks to the 10 days to a better blog workshop I’ve been working on. There’s been a lot of personal introspection and revelation through this process that I’ve been grateful for. One thing I want to do more of in my blog is more personal / pensive posts, and I’m on my way. Now it’s time to get down to some brass tacks and clean up a bit, and it’s interesting what you see when you start digging.

Beyond that annual report that WordPress provides me, looking into the “raw” data brings up some interesting tidbits.

At one time I was using my blog as a photo blog. I have all these categories for photo types that are empty. I moved all my pics over to Flickr at some point because I liked the way I could do some “best of” albums and organize them a lot quicker. So those categories have to go.

Oh yeah… I’ve put a few recipes online too. Trying to build out that “dad’s cookbook” type thing of some really good recipes I’ve used or created. I’ll keep these, but maybe do any future recipes over on my wife’s gluten free dedicated blog (whoops, not so shameless plug there 8^D).

Hey! I did a few “handyman” blog posts there. My DIY pot rack actually got some early Pinterest tricks, but overall I’ve kind of abandoned doing those things. Probably need to abandon that and merge those in somewhere else.

Quotes… yes, quotes. I like them. There’s a really cool blog called quote vadis that inspired me to grab my own and save them on my blog, especially with the WordPress post types being able to accommodate for that. But I have a total of 26 blog posts here, so maybe this needs to go, or maybe I need to actually reflect more upon the quotes.

…but I want to write about EVERYTHINGZZZZ!!!!!

Oh man… See, I wrote about this yesterday… Jack of all trades, master of none kind of guy. There’s this thing called “socal brand” that popped up a while ago. “What do you want to be known as?” or “What’s your digital image and make sure to cultivate that”, they say. I’m not sure how much I want to flow with that, but I do want to balance my “geekish coding” life with a “pensive” life and reflect that through my blog. Ultimately it’s the “pensive” that needs more work, but maybe not too thin.

I didn’t even get to tags yet, but I’ve always thought of them more as search engine juice, so maybe I just need to be a little less proliferate. Content is king over little keywords, right?

Okay, so this morning I stripped out a completely empty category from my blog, and can see where I can merge a few categories together. It’s not perfect, but gives me a good start.