The Magic of the Years and Ears

Published Sep 2, 2014 (10 years ago)
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The last modifications of this post were around 10 years ago, some information may be outdated!

About this time, a good 17 years ago now, I started my college year in a similar fashion. I met up with with a bunch of friends at Disnelyand for some fun in the magic kingdom before the intense studies began. At the carousel located just behind the iconic castle, friends old and new congregated. One of those new friends and I would soon start an adventure still going on today...

17 years ago we met at this carousel…

This is the woman I met at the carousel and married 4 years later. We had many adventures at Disneyland with friends during our college years. Both of us had a visit or two as kids as well and the magic of those times was never forgotten.

Fast forward a few years and our children are 8 years old! The perfect time to capture all of the magic that we had enjoyed as kids. The characters, the rides, the fun! So lots of planning (and surprising) with the family (kids, parents, AND grandparents) and we made our trip to Southern California. To say it was amazing was an understatement. Two days was not enough to capture all of the magic, but we came pretty dang close.

But more importantly than all the fun was how everything was a huge family affair. For starters, we were able to get together with my best friend and his family, who we haven’t seen in a few years. We were able to enjoy a little bit of Disneyland with them too, marvelling at how time flies and what fatherhood means.

Best friends since the dawn of time it seems…

It was also fun to see the changes in the park over the years. Some things were old… like Splash Mountain. It was fun seeing our kids enjoy the characters and the drop at the end (well, one of them 8^D). Some things are new. The entire Disney California Adventures park was something we all got to experience with wide eyes of wonder.

Welcome to Radiator Springs!

Dad Gum!

Some things are different, like Star Tours. When I went on the ride, there was only one adventure to take. I had it memorized too. 8^D Now, I hear there are about 40 different trips you can take, and in “4D” as well! I think it could have been the favorite ride out of everybody in the family.

Plus you can build droids now too!

Look sir, droids!

So thank you Disneyland, for providing a magic that lasts from grandparents to grandchildren, and I’m sure it will continue a lot longer. There are memories that will cherished and re-told for a long long time.