Thankful Tree 2014

Published Nov 24, 2014 (9 years ago)
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The last modifications of this post were around 9 years ago, some information may be outdated!

We’re still in the process of making our thankful tree this year, but since Thanksgiving is coming soon, I thought it best to get these thoughts out now...

Here are the top three things I’m thankful for this year:

My wife’s health

It’s been a crazy year. Last year about this time she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. After surgery, radiation treatment, lots of rest, and lots of prayer, she received her “clean” diagnosis in June. It’s still been a long road to recovery, but I’m thankful that she is still here and getting stronger day by day.

Weather changes

Even when it is a gorgeous 75 degrees all the time, I’ve never liked the single climate environments. Winter is finally starting to show up around here, with it’s blustery 25 degree mornings, and I love it. There’s something to the change in seasons, the anticipation it brings, the unique joys it brings, the reminder that life is a cycle and a rhythm, that you can miss when it’s the same all the time. I’m thankful I get a solid four seasons to embrance.


Yeah, not so serious of a thing but to be thankful for but hey, it taste’s good, it helps me start my day, and it’s one way I can easily connect with others with little money or time.

What are you thankful for this year?