Song of the Week: The Slurpee Set care of Spotify

Published Jul 22, 2011 (13 years ago)
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The last modifications of this post were around 13 years ago, some information may be outdated!

Slurpee Set Cover

It's the middle of summer, which means two things, slurpees and music to get you through the day. This week I figured I'd share a whopping 13 songs with you, and do it through a old/new music service out there: Spotify.

A good five years or so back, when I was still living in Las Vegas, 7-11 was running "specials" where if you bought a Slurpee, you found a code on the bottom of the cup to get a free song from iTunes. Given the fact that I'm a Slurpee junkie, and I had some random songs I wanted to piece together, it was the perfect setup for me!

So after a summer of lots of Slurpees (and I think a few promos later on) I acquired the following "mix" of songs that entail "The Slurpee Set" (in no particular order)

  1. The Hamster Dance Song
  2. Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) - C+C Music Factory
  3. Things That Make You Go Hmmmmmm - C+C Music Factory
  4. Magic Carpet Ride - Steppenwolf
  5. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
  6. Rock the Party Off the Hook - P.O.D.
  7. Big House - Audio Adrenaline
  8. Walkin' On The Sun - Smash Mouth
  9. Never Alone - Barlowgirl
  10. Hey Hey - Superchick
  11. A Little Less Conversation (JXL Remix) - Elvis vs. JXL
  12. Thank You - Dido
  13. Kryptonite (Live) - 3 Doors Down

To get the entire song set, I've published a public playlist on Spotify. Spotify is a music service that has been in the UK for a while now and is now showing up in the US. You can get a free account which gives you unlimited access to all the songs they have online. They have a HUGE amount of music available. Remember that Fold Zandura song I had a couple of weeks ago? I was able to find one of their albums online and listen to it! I'm a big fan of Paul Van Dyk, but never had any of his albums. I spent an afternoon listening to all of his music too. It really is amazing. They also have an iPhone/Android app, which allows me to sync all the music I own, or to listen to music online.

You can upgrade to a premium account and get access to all of your music offline as well. This includes the music you don't own, but exists in Spotify's library. It's similar to the Zune Pass Microsoft did with their player. I'm starting to really like this idea. I can't afford to go buy new music all the time, but for a few bucks, getting access to all of this seems really attractive, especially with more and more things moving to the "cloud" these days.

To view the playlist, you have a couple of options. First, if you already know me from Facebook, turn on your Facebook integration and you should see me in your "People" sidebar and you can check out the list that way. If you don't know me via Facebook, there's no need to friend me, simple type in "spotify:user:dillie-o" into the search bar and you'll see my profile,with the public link. I'd love to see your playlist too!

They are still doing limited Spotify accounts, so if you're interested, drop me a comment (or e-mail) and I'll see how many I can give out. Or, if you're using Klout at all, they are giving free accounts for some folks, which you can check out through this link.

Happy Friday and Enjoy!!!