Song of the Week: Imperial March - Leviathan Mix

Published Nov 4, 2011 (13 years ago)
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The last modifications of this post were around 13 years ago, some information may be outdated!

Darth Vader - Punk Style

It's Star Wars!!! It's Darth Vader's theme song!!! It's got a nice industrial/metal edge to it!!!! There's really nothing more to say!

A long time ago [yes... in a galaxy far, far away] there was a great game called Force Commander. It was a venture into the Starcraft style games. One of their features was some storyline involved (you go from working for the Imperials to the Rebels). They also hyped up some new 3D graphics (this was still big) that allowed you to zoom in and rotate around your army. I'll admit is was really cool to zoom in on an AT-AT and see it walking around in the game, shooting things down.

An added bonus to the game, there was a soundtrack to it, with some remixed versions of the Star Wars classics. My favorite (and the feature of the game) was the Imperial March - Leviathan Mix. All the stuff you love about the song, with the "edge" of the remix.
