Looking Back, Looking Forward

Published Jan 11, 2015 (9 years ago)
Danger icon
The last modifications of this post were around 9 years ago, some information may be outdated!

Part of renovating my blog as part of the 10 days to a better blog is two fold:

  • Look to see what has been successful on the blog
  • Make some goals (both blogging and non-blogging) for the year.

So let’s get cracking eh?

WordPress likes to do an automated “year in review” that I like to share here. Looking over it, I find a couple of interesting things:

  • None of my actual posts from last year actually made the top 5 posts.
  • All of my more nuanced “How To” type posts are the ones that were at the top.

So on one hand, I seem to have some posts that have “staying power” and one of the main reasons why I write (sharing the love). None of my more pensive posts seem to make the cut. I’m fine with that though, since those posts I think are more for my own reflection than anything else.

I also noticed that I only had 30 posts last year. While that’s close to 1 a week, a more accurate look shows that I have some severe “clumping” in my blogging. I’d like that to change. I’ve heard that consistency is a key to getting a good community, so I’ll need to work on that.

So instead of resolutions, I’m looking more towards goals, where I can take some proactive steps to meet them. Here’s what I want to do this year.

Blog more and consistentl y

I’m not one to think that I can blog daily, especially since I’m largely offline on the weekend (been a little crazy making the last two days work 8^D). I think if I can blog twice a week, one technical, and one pensive, then that would go a long way.

Run a half maratho n

I’ve been a runner for a long time. I love it. I’ve had a rather sporadic running habit as of late (a full year off, and a Ragnar the year before), but I’ve decided to run the local half marathon in a few months, and move forward after that. I’m excited and nervous (not a whole lot of time for 13 miles) but I love to simply run and I want to get that into my routine again.

Finish my p roject

Last year, I started a prayer journal app, from a desire to take an old tool and give it a digital implementation, as well as try out an idea I read about a while back. You can read more about it here. I got the initial pieces off the ground, but I need to rebuild the platform and finish off some needed features. I’ve had distractions, and I want to make sure I put those aside and really make it come to life .

Listen mo re

I’m still only a third of the way through Dallas Willard’s The Divine Conspiracy Continued _but I’ve had _Hearing God sitting on my nightstand for a little while and it seems to be calling to me. I think I’ll pick it up and see what I need to hear.

So a glance back, an a gaze forward. Time to put my feed to the trail and press on…