Bienvenue WordPress!

Published Jul 2, 2010 (15 years ago)
Danger icon
The last modifications of this post were around 15 years ago, some information may be outdated!

Well, here I am on WordPress 3.0.

Some of you may be wondering why I'm rolling a new blog engine, and a PHP based one at that [yeah Mr. .Net Junkie!].

I have nothing against BlogEngine. I love it. I recommend it for any .Net folks out there that want to do get into blogging and tweak with their themes/plugins a bit. You'll feel quite at home there. I was impressed with the layout of it when I went through the process of migrating Disqus into my theme.

Lately though, my side work has drifted into the realm of WordPress (through my support of Evangelical Outpost as well as some upcoming work with The Prescott Project). I felt it best if I could get some more hands on work with WordPress and PHP. As they say, "Never stop learning" right? I've already gotten back in the groove a bit by modifying a BlogML import script out there to work with 3.0 so I could migrate my posts in. More details on that later.
